These false readings occur, because of the way Pokésav was translated. We have done extensive research ourselves, for all downloadable programs on this site. Unfortunately, most antivirus programs will mistake all editions of Pokésav as a virus.
PokéCheats does not host any viruses, or malicious software whatsoever. If you have any questions or need help on using Pokésav, visit our General Support Forum for assistance! We also have the only web-based Pokésavs developed on the internet, if you don't feel like downloading the program, then click the appropriate link in the above navbar for the Online Pokésavs. In order to upload your save files, you must first own a flashcart or alternatively use an emulator. However, they are edited in the same manner as the previous version.

It was developed by a Japanese programmer who goes by the name of COM. What is Pokésav you ask? Pokésav is a program that allows you to edit the save files of your Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, Soulsilver, Black and White games. Welcome to PokéCheats' famous Pokésav page! Here we provide the latest translations for Pokésav for each game in several languages! We are the #1 source for your Pokésav needs!